Event (computing)

In computing an event is an action that is usually initiated outside the scope of a program and that is handled by a piece of code inside the program. Typically events are handled synchronous with the program flow, that is, the program has one or more dedicated places where events are handled. Typical sources of events include the user (who presses a key on the keyboard, in other words, through a keystroke). Another source is a hardware device such as a timer. A computer program that changes its behavior in response to events is said to be event-driven, often with the goal of being interactive.



Event driven systems are typically used when there is some asynchronous external activity that needs to be handled by a program. For example, a user who presses a button on their mouse. The outside activity causes the event (it fires), some outside hardware and or software will collect data about the event, and when the program signals that it is ready to accept an event, the event will be dispatched to the event handler software that will deal with it.

A program can choose to ignore events, and there may be libraries to dispatch an event to multiple handlers that may be programmed to listen for a particular event. The data associated with an event at a minimum specifies what type of event it is, but may include other information such as when it occurred, who or what caused it to occur, and extra data provided by the event source to the handler about how the event should be processed.

Events are typically used in user interfaces, where actions in the outside world (mouse clicks, window-resizing, keyboard presses, messages from other programs, etc.) are handled by the program as a series of events. Programs written for many windowing environments consist predominantly of event handlers.

Events can also be used at instruction set level, where they complement interrupts. Compared to interrupts, events are normally handled synchronously: the program explicitly waits for an event to be serviced (typically by calling an instruction that dispatches the next event), whereas an interrupt can demand service at any time.

Delegate event model

A very common and very "programmer-friendly" variant is the delegate event model, which is provided by the most popular graphic frameworks.

This model is based on three entities:

Furthermore, the model requires that

C# uses events as special delegates that can only be fired by the class that declares it. This is makes a better abstraction possible. Here's an example:[1]

class Model {
  public event Notifier notifyViews;
  public void Change() { ... notifyViews("Model"); }
class FirstView {
public View1(Model m) {
  m.notifyViews += new Notifier(this.Update1);
void Update1(string sender) {
  Console.WriteLine(sender + " was changed during update"); }
class SecondView {
public View2(Model m) {
  m.notifyViews += new Notifier(this.Update2); 
void Update2(string sender) {
  Console.WriteLine(sender + " was changed"); }
class Test {
  static void Main() {
    Model m = new Model();
    new FirstView(m);
    new SecondView(m);

Event handler

In computer programming, an event handler is an asynchronous callback subroutine that handles inputs received in a program. Each event is a piece of application-level information from the underlying framework, typically the GUI toolkit. GUI events include key presses, mouse movement, action selections, and timers expiring. On a lower level, events can represent availability of new data for reading a file or network stream. Event handlers are a central concept in event-driven programming.

The events are created by the framework based on interpreting lower-level inputs, which may be lower-level events themselves. For example, mouse movements and clicks are interpreted as menu selections. The events initially originate from actions on the operating system level, such as interrupts generated by hardware devices, software interrupt instructions, or state changes in polling. On this level, interrupt handlers and signal handlers correspond to event handlers.

Created events are first processed by an event dispatcher within the framework. It typically manages the associations between events and event handlers, and may queue event handlers or events for later processing. Event dispatchers may call event handlers directly, or wait for events to be dequeued with information about the handler to be executed.

Event notification

Event notification is a term used in conjunction with communications software for linking applications that generate small messages (the "events") to applications that monitor the associated conditions and may take actions triggered by events.

Event notification is an important feature in modern database systems (used to inform applications when conditions they are watching for have occurred), modern operating systems (used to inform applications when they should take some action, such as refreshing a window), and modern distributed systems, where the producer of an event might be on a different machine than the consumer, or consumers. Event notification platforms are normally designed so that the application producing events does not need to know which applications will consume them, or even how many applications will monitor the event stream.

It is sometimes used as a synonym for publish-subscribe, a term that relates to one class of products supporting event notification in networked settings. The virtual synchrony model is sometimes used to endow event notification systems, and publish-subscribe systems, with stronger fault-tolerance and consistency guarantees.



With a pointing device such as a mouse, clicking a button triggers a "mouse click" event. The programmer would then program the software to respond to this "mouse click" event. Typical mouse events include mouse move and mouse button up/down.[2]


When a user presses a key on a keyboard, the program currently running would receive a keyboard "KeyDown" event along with relevant data such as which key the user pressed.[2]


  1. ^ Mössenböck, Hanspeter (2002-03-25). "Advanced C#: Variable Number of Parameters". http://ssw.jku.at/Teaching/Lectures/CSharp/Tutorial/: Institut für Systemsoftware, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Fachbereich Informatik. p. 26. http://ssw.jku.at/Teaching/Lectures/CSharp/Tutorial/Part2.pdf. Retrieved 2011-08-05. 
  2. ^ a b Mouse and Keyboard Events in Windows Forms. Microsoft. Retrieved on February 12, 2008.

See also

External links